John Lennon on DVD: 27 March 1969

The third day of the Lennons' Bed-In in Amsterdam. Chip Madinger and Scott Raile write in Strange Days Indeed: A Scrapbook of Madness
that the couple were interviewed by Arnold-Jan Scheer for the weekly radio/television program Televizer (item B).

A. Title: Reuters.
Location: Hilton, Amsterdam. Country: The Netherlands.
Date: Thursday 27 March 1969. Aired: Friday 28 March 1969.

Source: V-009. [Unbootlegged.] (0:09 + 0:40)

B. Title: Televizer.
Location: Hilton, Amsterdam. Country: The Netherlands.
Date: Thursday 27 March 1969. Aired: .

Source: [Currently unavailable.]

The Beatles on DVD © 2017 Bamiyan. Last revised on 16 January 2016.

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