John Lennon on DVD: 15 September 1969

A.a. Title: ITV News.
Location: Apple Corps, London. Country: England.
Date: Monday 15 September 1969. Aired: Tuesday 16 September 1969.

The fake-Capitol release The End 1969-70 (last two captures) looks better
than the source DVD but it features a composite of A.a and A.d (below).

Source: JL-028-D. "My Power to the People" (Videofon) (1:09)

A.b. Title: ITV News.
Location: Apple Corps, London. Country: England.
Date: Monday 15 September 1969. Aired: Tuesday 16 September 1969.

Source: BEA-075-D. "Everest 1969" (Fab) (0:56)

A.c. Title: ITV News.
Location: Apple Corps, London. Country: England.
Date: Monday 15 September 1969. Aired: Tuesday 16 September 1969.

Source: V-063. [Unbootlegged.] (1:11)

A.d. Title: ITV News.
Location: Apple Corps, London. Country: England.
Date: Monday 15 September 1969. Aired: Tuesday 16 September 1969.

Parts of this source, composited with A.a (above), appear
on The fake-Capitol release The End 1969-70.

Source: V-056. [Unbootlegged.] (1:03)

The Beatles on DVD © 2017 Bamiyan. Last revised on 9 August 2009.

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