John Lennon on DVD: September 1971 (3/4)

A. Title: Imagine.
Location: Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, New York, NY. Country: United States.
Date: . Aired: Saturday 23 December 1972.

Excellent quality clips appear in Gimme Some Truth and in the 2003 Stand by Me (2003) promo.

Source: Imagine

B. Title: Imagine.
Location: . Country: United States.
Date: . Aired: Saturday 23 December 1972.

This sequence only appears in the original cut of the film. A brief clip can also
be seen in the 1992
Whatever Gets You Thru the Night promo (third capture).

Source: Imagine

C. Title: Imagine.
Location: . Country: United States.
Date: . Aired: Saturday 23 December 1972.

Excellent quality clips of this sequence appear in Gimme Some Truth
and in the 2003
Love and Stand by Me (2003) promos.

Source: Imagine

The Beatles on DVD © 2017 Bamiyan. Last revised on 20 March 2009.

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