Paul McCartney on DVD: 13 April 1989

A.a. Title: My Brave Face.
Location: Strawberry Field, Liverpool. Country: England.
Date: . Mastered: Thursday 13 April 1989.

The video, directed by Roger Lunn, was filmed over two days, Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 April.

Source: V-008. [Unbootlegged.] (3:42)

A.b. Title: My Brave Face.
Location: Strawberry Field, Liverpool. Country: England.
Date: . Mastered: Thursday 13 April 1989.

Source: PM-029-D. "Clip Collection" (Disc 1) (No label) (3:44)

A.c. Title: My Brave Face.
Location: Strawberry Field, Liverpool. Country: England.
Date: . Mastered: Thursday 13 April 1989.

Subtitled in French.

Source: Champs-Élysées

A.d. Title: My Brave Face.
Location: Strawberry Field, Liverpool. Country: England.
Date: . Mastered: .

This re-framed version misses so much material that the producers of the McCartney Years three-DVD set had
to raise the subtitles in the first capture and present the archive footage in its proper 4:3 ratio, complete with dark
bars on either side. I cannot explain the timing discrepancy between this and the original promo (see A.a, above)

Source: PM-195-D. "The McCartney Years" (Disc 2) (MPL, 3 DVDs) (2:59)

B.a. Title: My Brave Face: The Making of the Promo Promo.
Location: Strawberry Field, Liverpool. Country: England.
Date: . Mastered: Wednesday 10 May 1989.

Source: V-028. [Unbootlegged.] (3:19)

B.b. Title: My Brave Face: The Making of the Promo Promo.
Location: Strawberry Field, Liverpool. Country: England.
Date: . Aired: Friday 26 May 1989.

Source: Good Morning Britain

The Beatles on DVD © 2017 Bamiyan. Last revised on 10 April 2011.

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