Paul McCartney on DVD: 10 April 1999

A. Title: Here, There and Everywhere: A Concert for Linda.
Location: Royal Albert Hall, London. Country: England.
Date: Saturday 10 April 1999. Aired: Sunday 18 April 1999.

Source: V-044. [Unbootlegged.] (9:54)

B. Title: BBC America.
Location: Royal Albert Hall, London. Country: England.
Date: Saturday 10 April 1999. Aired: Sunday 11 April 1999.

Source: BEA-051-D. "The Beatles Telecasts 1998-1999" (Fab) (1:32)

C. Title: E! News Daily.
Location: Royal Albert Hall, London. Country: England.
Date: Saturday 10 April 1999. Aired: Monday 12 April 1999.

Source: BEA-051-D. "The Beatles Telecasts 1998-1999" (Fab) (0:43)

D. Title: [Handheld video].
Location: Royal Albert Hall, London. Country: England.
Date: Saturday 10 April 1999. Aired: [n/a].

In addition to Elvis Costello’s two separate arrivals, this tape features those of Johnny Marr, Tom Jones,
Marianne Faithfull and Paul, as well as the post-concert departures of Neil Finn, Peter Blake
(designer of the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover) and Paul, with daughter Stella in tow).

Source: PM-026-D. "Captured on Tape" (MCP) (5:59)

The Beatles on DVD © 2017 Bamiyan. Last revised on 9 August 2009.

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