Mick Jagger & Keith Richards on DVD: 28 October 1968

This French television news report on Mick Jagger's first dramatic role in a motion picture was re-broadcast in Twentieth Century Blues
on 14 August 1986. A.b., a cleaner dub, has yet to be bootlegged. Keith Richards' interview was probably filmed that same day. Chip Madinger
and Scott Raile write in Strange Days Indeed: A Scrapbook of Madness that John Lennon's white Rolls-Royce "was on loan for today's shoot".

A.a. Title: À l'affiche du monde.
Location: Notting Hill Gate, London. Country: England.
Date: Monday 28 October 1968. Aired: Saturday 16 November 1968.

Source: STO-023-D. "Stoned Again by the Rockers" (MCP) (3:46)

A.b. Title: À l'affiche du monde.
Location: Notting Hill Gate, London. Country: England.
Date: Monday 28 October 1968. Aired: Saturday 16 November 1968.


The Rolling Stones on DVD © 2017 Bamiyan. Last revised on 14 January 2016.

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